If you are tired, stressed or having a pain, Reiki works good for you! Reiki is a form of "Hands-on" or "Hands-off" Healing. Practitioner doesn't apply any pressure on your body. So called "Massage-less Massage." Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy, originated in Japan. In our everyday life, patterns of unhealthy thinking and action make blockages in our energy body. The blockages affect physical body and cause "dis-ease."
Reiki can help your energy flow and enhance your own ability to heal yourself. Reiki can support you to cope with long term health issues, time of life issues and heal your emotional wounds and traumas. It heals all aspect of you... physically, mentally, and spiritually. As you take Reiki sessions regularly, you are guided through your life! It is life changing!
If you need a big change in your life, Karuna session is recommended. It is similar to Reiki session, but different symbols are used and the energy feels different. There are two different groups of energy and the focus of them are different. Karuna 1 focuses on physical healing. Karuna 2 focuses on spiritual healing. Highly recommended!
Reiki and Karuna are done in person and in distance.
Metatron Colour Healing
Are you interested in Archangels? Does your inner child need some healing? Metatron Colour Healing is a Healing modality using the energy channeled from Archangel Metatron. He is the one with a big book of Akashic record. Archangel Metatron uses colors and light to restore, replenish and upgrade the whole body matrix made of physical, mental and spiritual body layer. The energy is channeled via the higher Chakras down through the healer to the client. The sessions are done in person and in distance, with Archangel Metatron Aura Sprays, crystals, Platonic solid crystals, instruments and toning... whatever Two Moon Child feels drawn to.
With Archangel Metatron's energy, TMC offers you...
12 Chakra Balancing
Sound Healing
Inner Child Healing
Ancestor Healing
Past Life Healing
Editing Script
Cord Cutting

Session Cancellation Policy
In case you have to cancel your session appointment, please inform us more than 24 hours before.

Reiki Explorer Class
Reiki Explorer Classes are meant to teach beginners new information and techniques that will make them feel more confident in Reiki. Advanced practitioners can freely explore their Reiki during the Explorer Session. Asking questions and experimenting is encouraged!
Level 1 & 2
Reiki Explorer Level I : Students learn the history of Reiki, types of treatment and basic hand positions with Attunement and Empowerment. By the end of this class, you will be able to heal yourself, as well as your friends and families.
9:00-12:30 Monday February 17 and Tuesday February 18.
Reiki Explorer Level II : Reiki II is where things become more fun. Students will be attuned to three symbols. With these symbols you will be able to do much more with Reiki, even send Reiki to your loved ones from a greater distance.
Master/Teacher Reiki Explorer
Students will receive Empowerment and Attunement to the Reiki Master Symbol. After Master class, if you choose to be a teacher, you will learn how to teach classes and how to give Attunement. You will be attuned to Radiant Reiki Master Symbol.
Karuna Explorer Level 1, Level 2, Master/Teacher Class
Experience Karuna Explorer, graduate school of Reiki practitioners. New symbols, new ideas and new experiments. All with the Reiki Explorer, focuses on learning through experiment and class experience.
Karuna consists of three levels. Karuna I and Karuna II and Master /Teacher level. Karuna I and II have different focuses.
"Establishing your Divine presence on earth." Karuna I focuses on deep personal physical and emotional healing.
"Accomplishing your Divine mission on earth." Karuna II focuses on accomplishing your goals.
Contact me for more details.
Dancing Through Chakras
If you want to know how your Chakras are doing, and what's stored in your Chakras, this is a right place for you. It is not a dance to show to the audience. You dance with your eyes closed. It is a dance to look inside of you. As you move to the music with Two Moon Child's Guidance, you may see colors or imagery. You may receive words or insight. It is an organic unfolding of your Chakras. At the end of each class , we make Mandala to record your experience. After this 9 week class, you will understand your Chakras and you can change your words and actions in your life. It is a life changing course!  (60 minutes or 90 minutes x 9 weeks.)
Metatron White Light Meditation (Online)
7pm February 22​
Reiki Sound Bath
7pm-8pm Tuesday, February 11
@Ventura Buddhist Center
3pm-4pm Sunday, February 16
@Camarillo Buddhist Center
Suggested donation is $10.
Pop Up Sound Bath
4-5pm Sunday, March 2
@Imperial Oxnard Mobile Estates Library
4010 Saviers Rd
Oxnard 93033
Suggested donation is $10.
Metatron Colour Healing Sound Bath
11am-12pm Thursday, February 27
@Two Moon Child Heals
Ventura 93004
RSVP needed!

Who I Am And What I Do
My Journey

Metatron Colour Healing Practitioner
Reiki Explorer, Karuna Explorer Master/Teacher
Reiki Tummo Practitioner
Jikiden Reiki Shoden / Okuden
Japanese Language Teacher in Oxnard Buddhist Temple. Belly Dance Teacher certified by Alexandra King.
I was born in Tokyo, Japan and grew up in Yokohama. After I met my husband in Yokota AB and got married and I left Japan in 1997. I have a daughter who was born in Japan. Since then, I lived in Cleveland Ohio, South Korea( 1998-2003), Cheyenne Wyoming (2003-2006), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2006-2009) Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt, Germany (2009-2015). And now I live in Ventura California, United States.

What People Say
It was a wonderful experience where I saw swirling of energy that pulsated and I went into a very deep state. It was blissful and very calming. Tomoko worked on my chakras that needed healing and gave me words and cards that I totally resonated with to go forward on my journey. Tomoko is an amazing Healer and I would highly recommend her to help you.
Lorraine G, New Zealand
Thank you for the information, photos and explanation at the end of our session and really for making the whole process from start to finish simple for a simpleton like me!
Thank you also for the wonderful healing session. I felt very safe and comfortable with you and seemed to "drop in" to a very calm state easily which is not actually easy for me.
I could feel the different energies especially in the beginning when my heart was racing and I understand that was the strong energies coming in!
My hip feels amazing. Thank you! I'm walking much freer now without pain!!! I should have led with that comment!
Gai N, Australia